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The Art of Leading Hopefully
Pre-course Materials
Everything you need to get started (3:50)
Module 1: Introduction
Welcome to the programme, getting to know each other and the content
Module 2: Quieten the chatter and settle into the now
Stepping into your personal power
Module 3: Understand and appreciate your interpretation of reality without judgement
The courage for daring authenticity and developing an emergent vision
Module 4: Explore emotional intelligence with curiosity
Curiosity through deep listening
Module 5: Systems perspective: connect to the wider universe
Creativity in our thinking, feeling and doing
Module 6: Trust in the totality of your wholeness and your connectedness to the universe
Open to co-creating currently unknown solutions together based on safe uncertainty – ambiguity tolerance
Module 7: Action Learning Set
Opportunity to explore our project progress together
Module 8: Intuition & imagination
Flexible boundaries with awareness
Module 9: Next steps grounded in now
Critical thinking about our own solutions
Module 10: Gather yourself and your resources
Emotional resilience and community resilience
Module 11: Set off taking specific steps
Do no harm with conviction, to ourselves and others
Module 12: Action Learning Set and Close
How we will take our projects forward and sharing our experiences of the journey
Flexible boundaries with awareness
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